
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Join me at "P.S Just a Thought"

I find it ironic that the last post I shared here was to let you all know that I had started a new blog which was more Bible-focused. That was all the way back in 2015. I did start one, but it didn't last past one post.

So now I'm back, to let you know that I started a Substack. What's that, you say? It's an online publication medium, and it's a great community for writers and those who want to read—there's all kinds of topics and substacks you can follow and support.

I'm not sure if any of you, my old readers, are still following blogs on Blogspot. But if you remember, you know I used to write a lot, over 10 years ago. Some of the friends and acquaintances I've made in the last half a decade actually don't know that writing is as much a part of what I love as music. I don't blame them—I haven't written much for years.

My first post on P.S. Just a Thought explores what happened to the writer inside, and why I'm back. Here's a sneak peek:

"The writer in me has lain all but dormant for half a decade. What do I say when I climb out of the hole again? Hello world? Wow, it's bright out here? Because putting pen to paper feels like breathing for the first time in a long time.

I used to keep a blog. It was where I shared a lot of vulnerable thoughts and lessons about life and walking with Jesus. It was a place to write while I harboured secret ambitions about writing books. It was where I felt I could express and fulfil some part of who I am—the part that feels drawn to communicate to a reader in the comfort of their own couch, or be a calming voice in the noise of their commute.
My husband recently asked me what makes me feel alive...."

You can find the post and my new substack here:

If you like, you can subscribe at the bottom or with the button on the top right, and you'll get every new post directly in your inbox. You can also use the Substack app to easily find and follow publications that you find interesting. There you can read both longer articles and shorter notes.

I'd love for you to check it out and join me there. 

If you take time to read it, I hope you will enjoy and be encouraged. 

P.S. In case you noticed, yes, my last name is different now—I got married since I last wrote here!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Blog: The Only Thing

It has been a long time since I wrote a blog post, and now I am writing to let you know that I've started a new blog called The Only Thing

I will be more active on the new blog for some time. If I return to this blog, it will be more for personal hobbies and interests, such as updates on my graphic design studies and other projects. For my deeper reflections on life and God, please follow the new blog at

You might ask why I've started a new blog. Let me direct you to the first post:

...As I discover more and more how central Christ must be in every aspect of our lives, I have been wanting to write and share what I learn from Bible study and conversations, from trials and victories. God's love revealed in Christ is The Only Thing which will give meaning to our relationships, our doctrines, our ministries. Only as we understand and know "God is love" are we able to make sense of life. 
Previously, I kept a personal blog called The Little Things and I may still occasionally write for it. There is much to browse, and it gives a great insight into my journey just a couple years ago. However, I have not used it much for some time. I feel I have grown so much in the past years that I need to start on a clean slate. 
I would love for you to join in this journey with me. My aim is to avoid spoon-feeding you amazing thoughts, and instead encourage you to taste and see for yourself that the Lord is good. 
Above all, Jesus must remain first and foremost. 
For I [am] determined not to know anything among you, except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. - 1 Corinthians 2:2

It has been a great journey so far. See you on there!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Counting Time

“We live in deeds, not years;
In thoughts, not breaths;
In feelings, not in figures on a dial.
We should count time by heart-throbs.
He most lives
Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.”

~ Ellen White, Our High Calling, January 1

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Faithfulness of God

Though we often break covenant with God, He is always faithful, and will never fail to keep His promises.

Below is the sermon which I preached last Sabbath. Please feel free to download it if you'd like.

I pray you'll be blessed. Remember, God is faithful!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

It is Still My Cry

Written July 4, 2014

Open my eyes. Make me see
the path that You have laid for me
Guide my steps. Place my feet
firm along the way. To be
my light and guide. My all in all
surrendered to You, I cannot fall
And when I cannot hear Your call
I'll trust You, in the silence.

For You are never truly silent
You said You would not hold Your peace
Until my righteousness shines forth
So bright that it will never cease
But all I have are filthy rags
These garments shining bright, not mine--
An undeserved gift of grace
Until I see You face to face

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Mysterious Farewell

I read this this morning. I had no words. I read it over and over. I let it sink in and I let the tears flow. This is God.

Jesus pronounces woes on the Pharisees to expose their hypocrisy before the people. Then, in Desire of Ages pg 620, it reads...

“Divine pity marked the countenance of the Son of God as He cast one lingering look upon the temple and then upon His hearers. In a voice choked by deep anguish of heart and bitter tears He exclaimed, ‘O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!’ This is the separation struggle. In the lamentation of Christ the very heart of God is pouring itself forth. It is the mysterious farewell of the long-suffering love of the Deity.”

“What wonderous love...” can only lead to... 

what wondrous pain.

the separation struggle...
the mysterious farewell...
long-suffering love...

...the very heart of God.

“O, Jerusalem, Jerusalem...”

Saturday, July 5, 2014

He of Whom Prophets Had Spoken

The Father cried tears
The Son's heart was broken
Yes, this was He
Of whom prophets had spoken

The Lamb on a cross
The God on a tree
The King crowned with thorns
In shame and glory

What love there displayed!
What justice was done
When God, in pain
Gave His only Son

Darkness surrounds Him
Bruised, bloody, naked
He cries in the silence
"Why have You forsaken?"

His question resounds
In my quivering heart
Breathless, I listen
Then it pierces the dark:

"It is finished!" His voice
Shakes me, and the earth
Convulses and mourns
As He suffers the curse

We fall to the ground
In terror and wonder
I tremble to watch
The Trinity sundered

Who is this God?
This God on a tree
It should have been me
It should have been me

For I slapped Him and scorned Him
I mocked Him that day
Yet, "Father, forgive them"
Was all He would say

The tears of the Father
Break into my soul
I look to my Savior
Shattered, made whole

He saved me by grace
Conquered death by His love
He is risen, and now
Interceding above

Forget not this story
It cost God His life
Remember His love
Remember the price

The Father cried tears
The Son's heart was broken
Yes, this was He
Of whom prophets had spoken.

July 5, 2014

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