
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Rays of His Love

Standing outside, soaking up the little bit of Scandinavian sun that I can. It's 9:16 am. Crows and other more pleasant twitterpated birds accompany this still moment. The occasional car drives by and disrupts the otherwise serene Skåne countryside (if you can call it serene with scores of crows making their presence all too known).

In a few minutes, I will be in a car, off to church. But I just wanted to share this moment with you.

Remember, the clouds may come and the sky may not always be blue, but the sun is still there.

God never changes. His faithfulness remains. So soak up every ray of His love.

I can assure you, His love is much more abundant than the Scandinavian sun.

(This beautiful place is not Skåne, but Norway)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Morning Cry

In Your mercy, O Lord, hear my cry. You alone search the mind and test the heart. I'm coming to You because I have nothing—no wisdom, no strength, no righteousness, no love—nothing of my own. I realize my utter dependence on You. You know the turmoil in my mind, the battle with my thoughts, the weakness of my heart. Deliver me from myself. I give You permission to save me at any cost. 

I'm casting myself—broken, bruised, battered—at the foot of the cross. 
I'm tired of fighting, Lord. 

Yet when I behold the Lamb of God—broken, bruised, battered—I'm reminded that the battle is the Lord's. The victory is won. 

But at no small price.

God hung on a tree. God was sundered,
                                                                                   torn      apart,

God died…and paid the eternal consequence
for me.

I'm letting it sink in.

Love has won the victory                            
…in my heart.

"I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD; I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only"
(Psalm 71:16 NKJV)

Thank You, Father.

In the precious name of Your Son, Jesus.

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